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The Darkness News Update 4/25/2024

Get A Grip On Lighting: Update Your Signage

Contractor And Distributor Show: Wired Or Wireless?

Get A Grip On Lighting: Reaction To LEDucation

Get a Grip On Lighting: Presidential Debate

Presidential politics dipped into LED lighting as both Donald Trump and Joe Biden made comments about lighting while discussing the campaign last week. Of course, the guys from the Get…

Get a Grip On Lighting: The Perfect Sale

If there is such a thing, what has to happen to make sure the “perfect sale” exists?

Get A Grip On Lighting: Crazy Stories

Everyone seems to have a crazy story when it comes to sales calls. The Get A Grip Guys talk about some of their most bizarre situations and how they resolved…

Get A Grip On Rebates: Where’s the Storage?

Why are we not looking at more opportunities in reusable energy? The answer might come down to dollars.

Get A Grip On Lighting: UV Primer

Before you dive too deep into the potential of UV lighting and its safety claims, you need to know a little more about what UV can do.

Get A Grip On Rebates: The Utility Side

There are some strong rebate possibilities in utility lighting, but you have to know where to look for them.

Get A Grip Business Blast: 5 Step Hiring Process

The COVID-19 crisis means there are a number of good people looking for jobs. What are the five steps you should take while you are looking to hire your next…

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