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Get A Grip On Lighting: Update Your Signage

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Get A Grip On Lighting: Reaction To LEDucation

Get A Grip On Rebates: True Crime

Even the best programs have the potential for fraud. And two recent cases show the opportunity to steal from lighting rebate programs exists. Juan Carlos Blacker and John Arthur Wilson…

Get A Grip On Rebates: Rebates In Quarantine

Juan Carlos Blacker and John Arthur Wilson discuss what you should be doing to create the best rebate opportunities, and how the pandemic may help usher in a new era…

Get A Grip On Lighting: The 4 Stages of Career Development

When new people enter lighting sales, they need to go through four stages before they can have a successful career. The guys from the Get A Grip On Lighting podcast…

Get A Grip On Lighting: The 5 Stages of a Revolution

Some say we are in a lighting revolution. The Get A Grip On Lighting guys break down the 5 stages of a revolution to examine if there really is one…

Get A Grip On Lighting: Response to Reps

After a recent Get a Grip On Lighting episode talked about the relationship between lighting reps and lighting distributors, the hosts received an email response.

Get A Grip On Lighting: Playing Rough With the Reps

The guys from the Get A Grip On Lighting podcast respond to an email they received about using lighting reps to help distributors sell lighting. They also get into the…

Get a Grip On Lighting: Vendor Vexations

Lighting manufacturing has changed dramatically over the past 50 years. The guys talk about the danger of manufacturers turning their fixed costs into variable costs, and how it could impact…

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