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tED Magazine’s May Issue Will Be Digital Only

For the first time in tED magazine’s 57 year history, the monthly magazine will only be available through its digital edition. But, tED magazine is making it easier for more people to see the May issue than ever before.

For 672 straight months, tED magazine staff members created a printed edition of the magazine and mailed it to your place of work. The printed version has survived wars, natural disasters, terror attacks, economic recessions and depressions, and a variety of other outside forces that have impacted our supply chain.

But a global pandemic caught up to us, so the streak will end.

With so many people working remotely because of COVID-19, it was impossible to switch addresses for every subscriber from the office to the house. We deliver about 95% of the magazine to a work address, and, we thought it would be a bad idea to send thousands of copies of the magazine to main houses and branches when there would not be anyone around to receive or read them.

The good news is, even though this issue is digital, it still holds to the same standards of every one of those past 672 issues. We have a great profile on NAED’s new chair, Wes Smith from Mayer Electric Supply. And we have extended coverage of the work going on at NAED to help all of us work through this COVID-19 situation and be prepared for the future. Plus, we have all of our regular stories in our Current, Business, and Selling sections, just like we do every month. With the digital edition, if you see a web address or a link, you can click on it and it will take you there, which makes the experience a lot easier.

This is your chance to subscribe to the digital edition by clicking on this link and filling out the form. You can also find the digital edition this way:

  • Go to
  • Go to the bottom of the home page where you will find “Current Issue”
  • Click on that to find the most recent issue of tED magazine.

We need to thank the advertisers in the May issue of tED magazine who are sticking with us during this uncertainty and understood that this will be a digital-only issue. Make sure you slow down to see their efforts in this issue.

We hope to go back to printing tED magazine again in June, and we can start another long streak of printed magazines for you.

Like everything here at tED magazine, I welcome your thoughts on this decision and the May issue of tED. I can be reached at

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