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Signify Reduces Carbon Footprint By 49%

Signify Reduces Carbon Footprint By 49%

Eindhoven, the Netherlands—Signify (Euronext: LIGHT) made significant progress toward its sustainability targets set for 2020 as part of its Brighter Lives, Better World program. Signify is committed to achieving carbon neutrality, to shift to 100% renewable electricity and to generate 80% of its revenues from sustainable products, systems and services by 2020.

In 2018, Signify achieved 79% sustainable revenues, reduced their global carbon footprint by 49% and realized carbon neutrality in Canada and the US. On top of that, the company also reduced the amount of waste delivered to landfill by 17% compared with 2017, recycling 82% of their waste.

“We are proud of our achievements as we can only make such strong progress toward our Brighter Lives, Better World targets when all our employees are behind it and as sustainability is really at the heart of our purpose,” says Nicola Kimm, Head of Sustainability at Signify. “All of us at Signify are committed to creating brighter lives and a better world by providing light which is energy efficient, saves resources, and improves lives.”

“As we strive for excellence, we continued to align our efforts with the recommendations set out in the industry-led Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures,” Kimm continues. “We also announced our approved science-based targets, which will help us to continue transitioning to a low-carbon economy.”

As recognition of their progress, Signify was named Industry Leader in the Electrical Components and Equipment category of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the second year in a row. In addition, they were included in CDP’s ‘Climate A list‘ for reducing their own environmental impact, as well as in CDP’s ‘Supply Chain A list.’

2018 Sustainability highlights:

  • Delivered more than 1.7 billion LED lamps and luminaires since we joined the Global Lighting Challenge in 2015, avoiding the release of over 43 megatonnes of CO2 emissions2
  • Generated 79% of our revenues from energy efficient products, systems or services
  • Reduced our global carbon footprint by 49% and shifted to 89% renewable electricity
  • Sent 17% less waste to landfill and recycled 82% of our total waste
  • Strengthened our occupational health and safety performance and reduced cases by 29%
  • Achieved supplier sustainability performance rate of 93%

For more details on Signify’s sustainability performance, visit their website or download the Signify 2018 integrated Annual Report from our website.

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