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NEMA Publishes New Performance Requirements for Lamps

ROSSLYN, Va. — The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published ANSI C78.5-2017 American National Standard for Electric Lamps—Specifications for Performance of Self-Ballasted Compact Fluorescent Lamps. Developed by the ANSI Committee for Electric Lamps, this revised standard contains performance requirements for the compliance of self-ballasted compact fluorescent lamps up to 60 W.

“ANSI C78.5 is intended for domestic and similar general lighting purposes,” said Mark E. Duffy, Ph.D., manager, Global Industry Standards, Current, powered by GE, and chair of the subcommittee that revised C78.5. “A major change to this standard is harmonization with IEC 60969-2016, which specifies methods and conditions required to show compliance of self-ballasted compact fluorescent lamps.”

ANSI C78.5-2017 is available in hard copy or as an electronic download for $56 on the NEMA website.

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