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NAED Looks at Key Races in House of Representatives

Throughout October, Ed Orlet, NAED’s Senior Vice President of Government Affairs and Strategic Projects, will create several short videos to help you understand what’s at stake and what could potentially happen in the November 3rd election.

Orlet gave us a snapshot of what to expect in his third video (which we’ll share on Friday morning and tED’s Daily e-newsletter):

“All 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives face the voters November 3rd. Will Nancy Pelosi retain the Speaker’s gavel or will Republicans wrest control of the lower chamber of Congress? Bold prediction: Pelosi isn’t going to break a sweat. We’ll discuss why and look at movement in critical competitive Senate races and check in on the presidential race.” 

Last week, Orlet discussed key Senate races, the Vice Presidential debate, and polling updates. Catch that video here.

Over the next couple of weeks, Orlet will look at other important issues we will face as a supply chain after the election is decided.

On November 10, Orlet will host the “NAED Electrical Industry Post-Election Conference” to help you understand and prepare for the results.

Join NAED and a distinguished panel of experts for a look at the results of the 2020 Election and how it will impact you and the electrical industry. Guest speakers include political commentator and WSJ editor Kim Strassel, NAW’s Jade West, NECA’s Marco GiamberardinoDonald Leavens of NEMA, NAED analyst Erin Prinster, along with Ed OrletMore information can be found here.

If you have questions or comments for Orlet, you can reach him at or

Watch your inbox each week for the NAED Government Affairs election video installment, or catch the videos on NAED’s YouTube channel.


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