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International Dark Sky Celebrates Activities Around the World

International Dark Sky Celebrates Activities Around the World

TUCSON, Ariz. — The International Dark-Sky Association (DarkSky) invites people worldwide to reconnect with the benefits of a dark, star-filled sky and learn how to reduce the negative impacts of light pollution to humans, wildlife, and ecosystems during International Dark Sky Week (IDSW) 2023, April 15-22.

From Tucson, USA, to Turkey, information on events can be found at (Find a location near you by searching the IDA location finder.) Hosted by DarkSky advocates, delegates, chapters, and DarkSky places, events include night walks, astrophotography lessons, star parties, proclamations, and special presentations about the benefits of dark skies to humans, wildlife, and ecosystems.

“International Dark Sky Week provides a wonderful opportunity for people to discover value and beauty in natural darkness,” notes DarkSky’s Executive Director, Ruskin Harley. “It’s a great time to connect with the night, learn about what is at stake if light pollution continues to increase, and what you can do to reverse this trend.”

Light pollution due to human-made light sources is increasing globally at 9.6 percent per year, threatening wildlife and ecosystems, adversely impacting human health, wasting energy, contributing to global warming, and blocking views of the stars, planets and galaxies. However, Hartley says individuals and communities can implement immediate solutions using responsible outdoor lighting practices.

To become a dark sky advocate go to

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