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IES-PNNL Releases 2023 Webinar Series Schedule


The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), in collaboration with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), is pleased to offer a special, five-part, free webinar series on “Big Questions” in the lighting industry today. Advanced lighting systems can provide improved occupant health and productivity, better control, and increased use of data—all with more sustainable product design. At the same time, new capabilities raise a host of questions with significant energy and environmental implications. Lighting researchers tackle big questions, and this webinar series will share the latest perspectives from PNNL experts and partners in pursuit of the best answers.



What if we thought of a lighting system as a teammate?
June 22, 2023

Have you ever thought of your phone or watch as a teammate? What about a lighting system? Or are you more apt to think of lighting controls as a foe? This presentation will explore how we can think about interaction between humans and lighting systems through the lens of human-machine teaming. Human-machine teaming research can serve as a useful guide for design and improved interaction with lighting systems. Join a human factors psychologist, a lighting researcher, and a lighting designer to consider how thinking of a lighting system as a teammate may change the way we design now and in the future.

Corey Fallon, PNNL
Rachel Fitzgerald, Stantec
Andrea Wilkerson, PNNL


How do we utilize the remote monitoring capabilities of connected lighting systems to facilitate automated fault detection, diagnostics, and prediction?  
July 27, 2023                                                                                                                                       

Lighting systems that offer remote monitoring and promise sophisticated lighting control strategies and improved maintenance efficiency have been on the market for many years, but their deployment remains limited. In principle, such systems can improve upon traditional maintenance practices by automating what are typically manual, in-person tasks. In reality, such use of remote monitoring capabilities remains far from standard practice. One of the fundamental barriers appears to be a lack of well-defined and documented faults for various lighting system equipment, and a mapping of possible detection schemes for each fault that leverages monitoring data available in commercial products. This webinar will explore results from PNNL research to develop and demonstrate automated fault detection, diagnostics, and prediction for lighting and electrical systems.

Michael Poplawski, PNNL
Speaker TBD


Lighting the path to a better world: How can we sustain our environment, society, and economy with equity and justice for all?
August 17, 2023

As efforts to mitigate climate change and promote energy equity and environmental justice are gaining momentum, the lighting industry is looking for practical pathways to deploy their skills, perspectives, and influence to make the world a better place. This webinar will bring together three unique but cross-cutting perspectives addressing practical approaches and relevant considerations for use by any member of the lighting community. Presenters will start by exploring the benefits of life-cycle thinking and its basic application to any design, product, or system; then will consider cultural humility, including simple ways to start to recognize biases; and will conclude with some initial takeaways identified through the PNNL Energy Equity and Justice working group for integrating equity and justice into our daily work.

Tyler Harris, PNNL
Keely Denenberg, Orange Grove Consulting
Kate Hickcox, PNNL

GUV: Pandemic fad, or game-changing technology for healthy and more energy-efficient buildings?
September 28, 2023

Though the worst impacts of the pandemic are over, illness and absenteeism resulting from airborne viruses continues to cost U.S. businesses over $200 billion annually, reduce student learning and achievement, and exacerbate public health and education inequities. As the building industry considers how to address these costs, ASHRAE has committed to develop a new building design standard to reduce airborne disease transmission. Evidence is growing that germicidal ultraviolet (GUV) disinfection technology is among the most effective and energy-efficient methods to reduce transmission. This webinar will provide a fresh look at GUV technology, sharing new research on its effectiveness and energy use relative to other methods, as well as results from CALiPER product performance testing and field evaluations getting under way.

Gabe Arnold, PNNL
Cary Faulkner, PNNL


How can metrics and guidelines help us fix flicker? 
October 12, 2023

Temporal light modulation (TLM, or flicker) is an increasing phenomenon in indoor, outdoor, and vehicular applications, due to the widespread adoption of LED sources. Most LED lighting systems do not produce problematic TLM, but of those that do, there has been a delayed recognition that certain TLM waveform characteristics and viewing conditions can result in distraction and disorientation, cognitive effects, and serious health consequences in some populations. Research into responses to TLM is under way, but guidance is needed now. This webinar will preview draft provisional guidelines and target values developed by the IES TLM committee to raise awareness and solicit input and discussion with dimmer, driver, and luminaire manufacturers.

Naomi Miller, PNNL
Lia Irvin, PNNL


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