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IES Board of Directors Calls for Nominations

The Illuminating Engineering Society invites all qualified IES members to submit either self-nominations or nominations of other IES members as possible candidates for the Board.

This year, there are seven (7) openings that the Nominating Committee is seeking to fill: Vice President (President-Elect), Treasurer, three (3) At-Large Directors, and two (2) Regional Directors: South and West. All terms commence July 1, 2024. Below is more information on each position, their role on the Board, and the corresponding qualifications and characteristics being sought.

Per the Bylaws, the following membership types are eligible to hold office on the Board: Member, Fellow, Emeritus-Member or Emeritus-Fellow, and Sustaining Member Official Representatives. If you are interested in serving in one of the positions noted below, or if there is someone that you wish to nominate, please email

The deadline for nominations is August 1, 2023.

There are resources that are available that provide additional information, such as our:

For more information, contact Colleen Harper, CEO and Executive Director of the Illuminating Engineering Society, at .

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