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Global Connected Street Lighting Market To Grow By 20%

Global Connected Street Lighting Market To Grow By 20%

A report by Transparency Market Research (TMR) forecasts the global connected (smart) street lights market to expand at an outstanding 16.0% CAGR vis-a-vis revenue between 2017 and 2025.  The market was evaluated at $3.712 billion in 2016.  In terms of volume, the global connected (smart) street lights market is likely to expand at a CAGR of 20.1% over the 2017-2025 forecast period.

Based on connectivity, wireless connected (smart) street light segment holds significant lead over its counterpart wired connected (smart) street light segment. In terms of component, the connected (smart) street light market is segmented into hardware, software, and services.

The global connected (smart) street lights market in terms of geography is divided into North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and South America. Of them, Europe currently holds the leading share in the overall market. Asia Pacific, on the other hand, is expected to display relatively faster adoption rate of connected (smart) street lights on grounds of increasing demand for LEDs to reduce energy consumption. These factors will account Asia Pacific to register the leading CAGR over the forecast period between 2017 and 2025.

Among the several factors driving the global connected (smart) street light market, the increasing awareness of energy conservation and demand for efficient lighting solutions is a key one. Lighting is one of the rapidly evolving areas of smart technologies as it accounts for almost 40% of a city’s energy consumption.

Display Demand for Connected (Smart) Street Lights Soars as Overcome Hurdles Posed by Traditional Lighting

At present, most of the street lighting is based on traditional lighting systems which is commonly associated with configuration challenges, extraordinary cost, and interoperability issues between devices from multiple vendors. The ability of connected (street) lights to address the imperfections of traditional street lights is attracting the attention of entities in the street lighting ecosystem. Also, the adoption of connected (smart) street lighting is on the rise as it serves the demand for green energy solutions that are sustainable in the long run.

The high efficiency and low power consumption virtues of LED are one of the key factors facilitating the growth of connected smart street lighting market. The development of smart cities across many nations worldwide is leading utility companies and government institutions in these countries to look for smart lighting solutions that can help reduce energy costs, reduce carbon emissions, and help boost overall efficiency. This is acting in favor of connected (smart) street lighting market. Apart from this, connected (smart) street lighting is advantageous as it as integration of multiple sensors with intelligent lighting control technologies.

Development of Smart Cities to Offer Ample of Opportunities

With continual decline in hardware prices, vendors of smart lighting solutions are providing the backbone to utilities and city governments needed for the deployment of smart lighting solutions across an array of application areas. Furthermore, moderate pace of advancement of technologies used in connected (smart) street lights is leading to considerable penetration of connected (smart) street lights across several cities in developed regions.

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