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Get A Grip On Lighting: When Dimming Matters

Many times, a lighting job can have three or more “experts” who are looking for specifics when it comes to replacement lighting.

You have the maintenance people who want an easy way to replace bulbs.

You have the event producer who wants to make sure they have the correct light in all situations.

And you have the people on stage who want to be seen in the best light possible.

How can you get all of the stakeholders on board with a lighting plan?

Greg Ehrich, LC is the former President of the National Association of Innovative Lighting Distributors (NAILD) and owner of Premier Lighting, a progressive lighting distributorship.

Michael Colligan is an entrepreneur and inventor. He’s a subject matter expert in commercial and industrial lighting supply, lighting retrofits, and finding recycling streams for hard-to-recycle waste.

The Get A Grip On Lighting podcast on lightED is sponsored by Keystone Technologies.

If you want to watch more Get A Grip On Lighting podcasts, you can go to www.getagriponlighting.com.


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Discussion (1 comments)

    DAVE MILLER April 2, 2024 / 8:30 am

    Recommendation to Get a Grip Topic :
    Would like to see a review of the LED headlights that are blinding most people. Please include a discussion of Scotopic regarding how are eyes see color, especially in regard to the blues starting in 5K and above and why these blind drivers. Please include the NTHS and Automobile manufacturers guidelines on headlights. Terry McGowan would be a good person to interview on the subject.

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