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Get A Grip On Lighting: Warranties

Have you ever actually read a warranty for certain LED lights? Maybe you should.

tED magazine has teamed up with Greg Ehrich and Michael Colligan of the “Get A Grip On Lighting” podcast to create exclusive content for lightED.

Greg Ehrich, LC is the former President of the National Association of Innovative Lighting Distributors (NAILD) and owner of Premier Lighting, a progressive lighting distributorship.

Michael Colligan is an entrepreneur and inventor. He’s a subject matter expert in commercial and industrial lighting supply, lighting retrofits, and finding recycling streams for hard-to-recycle waste.

In this episode, Michael and Greg actually read some warranties on the podcast. What are the promises? And wait until you see what will void some warranties. It’s safe to say, what the guys from Get A Grip On Lighting found has them showing some real emotion.

The Get A Grip On Lighting podcast on lightED is sponsored by Keystone Technologies.

If you want to watch more Get A Grip On Lighting podcasts, you can go to www.getagriponlighting.com.


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Discussion (2 comments)

    Tom D November 29, 2018 / 8:25 am

    12 V LED lighting is worse.
    I now only buy incandescent bulbs for my trailers and vehicles.
    The LED may last 10,000 hours, but the conductors are size of dental floss and last 3-6 months. Then entire light is garbage.
    This is problem with all Chinese products. They cheap out on all wires and they fail. Chain is only as strong as weakest link.

    Jason Self November 30, 2018 / 2:33 pm

    In a little fairness this only illustrates laziness on the fixture manufacturers behalf. This is boiler plate copy/paste language from the LED board manufacturer from whom they are sourcing materials. The manufacturers, especially the smaller ones are leaning on their component vendors warranty.

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