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EYE Lighting Supports Hurricane Relief Efforts with Supplies

EYE Lighting Supports Hurricane Relief Efforts with Supplies

Eye Lighting LogoMENTOR, Ohio — EYE Lighting International employees are busy collecting clothing to donate to the Austin Disaster Relief Network, which is supporting families displaced from Hurricane Harvey. Donations will be collected from many businesses attending the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Street and Area Lighting conference in Austin, Texas from September 10-13, including EYE Lighting.

Tom Salpietra, President and COO commented, “While we are miles away from Texas, some of our employees have family and friends in Houston. We will be filling several large duffle bags of clothes to take with us to the IES Conference and donate to the displaced families of Hurricane Harvey. Creating a positive impact in the communities we serve, both near and far, is an important part of our core values.”

Austin has been supporting evacuees and others impacted by the recent hurricane. With that in mind, both the Street and Area Lighting Conference (SALC) and Roadway Lighting Committee (RLC) have partnered with the local Austin Disaster Relief Network to create a fundraiser charity drive at the conference. In addition to clothing, requested items for donation include toiletries, blankets, cleaning supplies, and child-infant care items such as diapers, bottles, baby formula and stuffed toys/coloring books for children

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