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Get A Grip On Lighting: Looking Back At lightED

Sales Synopsis: How Much Product Knowledge Do You Need?

Get A Grip On Lighting: CFL to LED is Not Ready for Prime Time

The Darkness News Update 6/20/2024

Making the Grade


Lighting manufacturers offer top tips on effective training and education strategies in today’s fast-paced LED environment.

Get A Grip On Lighting: Bill Attardi

In this episode, Ehrich and Colligan talk with Bill Attardi, a veteran of more than 50 years in the lighting business. They discuss the changes Attardi has witnessed, and where…

Tariffs and the Lighting Industry: One Month In


Nearly a month since the U.S. began imposing 25 percent tariffs on nearly $34 billion worth of goods imported from China, what impacts are the lighting industry starting to see?

Get A Grip On Lighting: Chinese Manufacturers

In this episode, Ehrich and Colligan talk about a major issue with lighting today:  the importing of inexpensive lighting from China. What do distributors need to know when it comes…

Inventory Impossible


With LEDs evolving so fast, keeping inventory up-to-date can be a challenge. Two branch managers offer insights on how they handle this moving target.

Get A Grip On Lighting Podcast: Selling Light Bulbs

In this episode, Colligan and Ehrich talk about selling light bulbs and why it seems to be a dead end street.

When Project Bids Turn into Long-Term Headaches for Lightin [...]


The lowest price usually wins, but what happens when projects take an inordinate amount of time to get off the drawing board and into action? Here’s how electrical distributors can…

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