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ALA Releases Guidance on LED Light Fixtures

ALA Releases Guidance on LED Light Fixtures

The ALA Engineering Committee recently released a guidance document designed to assist residential consumers in understanding the differences between socketed and integrated LED light fixtures. The document, created by members of the ALA Engineering Committee, is designed to assist consumers in navigating the purchase process, by explaining which factors are important to consider in socketed and integrated LED light fixtures.

Earlier this year, the committee released a manufacturer-focused document, which is intended to support product developers and designers in determining the proper light source design based on the consumer, product, and application needs.

ALA-member retailers are encouraged to review the document to assist in the sales process and aid in answering common questions that arise while consumers are reviewing socketed vs. integrated LED fixtures. Members are also welcome to share the document with their customers.

One of the document’s contributors, Chris Primous of LiteTrace, recently spoke with ALA’s Raelle Bell and Liz Ware on an episode of their podcast, “That’s Brilliant,” to explain more about these guidance documents. That interview is available online here.

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