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ALA Launches New Video Marketing Campaign

ALA is now collecting video content from members to distribute on websites, e-mail & social media. It has an easy-to-use platform that will lead members through a few questions, and they can give personal responses to engage ALA viewers.

“Video content is more important than ever. The personal connection made when speaking directly to your audience is a powerful marketing tool.”

ALA is asking ALA members to record short, digestible tips for consumers. They will be casual, recorded on phones or laptop cameras. ALA will distribute them to consumers on social media, websites, and by e-mail. Each tip will be 45 – 90 seconds long.

You can participate in this program right now, using your phone, or any computer with a camera.

We’re coming to the experts, our ALA members, to come up with consumer lighting tips. You can either set up in front of an example of a lighting tip or you can sit at your desktop and describe one to consumers. — Liz Ware, Program Manager

Scroll to the bottom of this page to watch a short explanatory video and more instructions.

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