
LightED Podcasts

Get A Grip On Lighting

Tricky Controls In Apartment Stairwells 7/20/2022
An apartment complex job that seems simple but could end up very complicated. LISTEN
space space space
Picking Up A Dollar 7/18/2022
The small projects can add up to create a very successful year of business. LISTEN
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Have Rebates Lost Their Purpose? 7/11/2022
The mindset on searches for rebates appears to be shifting. LISTEN
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The Neglect of Rack Aisle Lighting 6/20/2022
Some LED solutions to warehouse lighting do not hit the mark. LISTEN
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Is the LED Boom Over? 6/13/2022
Have we done so many retrofit projects that there are too few to be profitable? LISTEN
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Extended Warranties 6/8/2022
Are we really willing to provide 10-year LED warranties? LISTEN
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More Get A Grip On Lighting episodes… space space


Restoring Darkness

Restoring Darkness: How Do We Know When Light Is Polluting? 7/6/2022
Michael Colligan talks about the way he can tell there is too much light in an area. LISTEN
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Bird Migration In the Spring Vs. The Fall 5/4/2022
Are cities working as hard to restore darkness in the fall as they do in the spring? LISTEN
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Darkness Restoration News Trends 4/6/2022
What are the hot topics in restoring darkness news, and when do those stories surface? LISTEN
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The Correct Lighting Means More Sales 3/2/2022
Fear that the correct lighting means fewer fixtures is incorrect. LISTEN
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Lighting Controls 2/9/2022
How to make sure the right light is being used. LISTEN
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Darkness Restoration and Preservation 1/26/2022
Are we missing revenue opportunities by preserving darkness? LISTEN
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More Restoring Darkness episodes… space space




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