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Get A Grip On Lighting: Update Your Signage

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Get A Grip On Lighting: Reaction To LEDucation

Get A Grip On Lighting: Energy-Efficient Rollback

Reaction to the decision to end a rule that would phase out less energy-efficient light bulbs has been fast and strong. That includes reaction from the guys from the Get…

Get A Grip On Lighting: Tariff Price Increases

Lighting manufacturers are facing tough decisions about price increases due to tariffs. The Get A Grip On Lighting podcast talks about what they think about the price increase announcements some…

Get A Grip On Lighting: Charging For Audits

So you're asked to do an audit for a major job. Only the customer is completely under-prepared. This begs the question: when should you charge for audits?

Get A Grip On Lighting: Lux As A Service

Have we reached the end of the road for selling “Lux As A Service”? The guys from the Get A Grip On Lighting podcast have very strong opinions on that…

Get A Grip On Lighting: The Boom-Bust Cycle of Lighting Controls

Is there a real, sellable value to controls and connections to the IoT? Are distributors trying to sell something that customers won’t ever use? The guys from the Get A…

Addressing the Inevitable


With an additional 10% tariff on certain Chinese goods expected to take effect by December 15, industry experts offer tips on how distributors can best communicate and pass price increases…

Get A Grip On Lighting: Startup Shutdown

A guy walks into Greg Ehrich’s office at Premier Lighting. Greg quickly realizes there are too many small lighting distributors who are making life difficult for everyone. What is the…

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