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LRC and Lumitex Create New Strategic Collaboration

LRC and Lumitex Create New Strategic Collaboration

The Lighting Research Center (LRC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has announced a new strategic collaboration with Lumitex, a world-class innovator in lighting and light-based technologies. The LRC and Lumitex will be working together to develop a joint research agenda to inspire new product development and commercialization.

“Lumitex is a company that is agile with using light in a variety of products and applications and is also agile when it comes to adding value to a diversity of markets. I am looking forward to working together to help both the LRC and Lumitex create value in new areas,” said Ziggy Majumdar, Director of Development at the LRC.

“The Lighting Research Center has been on the leading edge of light science and technology. Their deep understanding [of] these functions is invaluable for innovation and commercialization of new ideas within lighting. The entire Lumitex team is excited to innovate and disrupt the industry together with the LRC,” said Austin Ruhle, Vice President of Strategy and Business Development at Lumitex.

Since its inception in 1988, the LRC has been dedicated to advancing the effective use of light for society and the environment. The LRC conducts research in light and human health, transportation lighting and safety, solid-state lighting, energy efficiency, and plant health.

Representatives from Lumitex will attend the LRC’s 2019 Summit from October 15-17 in Troy, New York. The LRC Summit aims to inspire discussion and shape the future of lighting, where the industry plays a strategic, recognized role in benefiting society and the environment — from improving human health to enhancing food production to managing clean energy in the new electric grid.

“What we are really hoping to do at the event is to define the future of lighting,” said Majumdar.

A full list of programming, along with speaker bios and descriptions of each talk, is available at the LRC Summit website:


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