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Fulham Releases White Paper About Lighting Certifications


LONG BEACH , Calif. — At Strategies in Light being held in Long Beach, California this week, Fulham Co., Inc. will release a white paper that provides an overview of new energy saving standards and LED product certifications. The white paper, entitled “Energy Star, DLC, and T24 Testing: Sorting through the Requirements,” is designed to help OEMs, distributors, and lighting professionals sort through the alphabet soup of today’s energy product testing and qualification as it relates to lighting products.

Product testing for certification is important to the lighting industry because the tests provide standardized metrics to compare product performance. Setting minimum performance thresholds promotes better quality lighting and superior luminaires for OEMs and end users. However, testing can cost manufacturers thousands of dollars for every new product brought to market. This white paper reviews strategies for product testing and how qualifying for the Design Lighting Consortium (DLC) Qualified Products List, compliance with Energy Star standards, and conforming to the California Energy Commission’s (CEC) Title 24 Energy Code each play both unique and overlapping roles in lighting certification, testing, and labeling.

“OEMs and installers use DLC, Energy Star, and T24 labels to ensure that lighting products deliver optimal performance, conform to the building codes and energy conservation standards, and in many cases receive financial rebates and incentives on projects,” said Russ Sharer, Vice President of Global Marketing for Fulham. “Certification gives customers assurance that the lighting products they buy or stock are safe and efficient. However, it’s not always easy for vendors to determine which certifications are required, or where to invest their testing dollars. This white paper should provide an informative tutorial for anyone in the lighting industry who relies on testing and verification to make product decisions.”

The new Fulham white paper outlines the testing requirements and regimens for the three most common U.S. certifications, comparing DLC, Energy Star, and Title 24. It also discusses specific requirements for each standard and offers suggestions on ways to take advantage of overlapping requirements that can save test dollars.

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