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Get A Grip On Lighting: Looking Back At lightED

Sales Synopsis: How Much Product Knowledge Do You Need?

Get A Grip On Lighting: CFL to LED is Not Ready for Prime Time

The Darkness News Update 6/20/2024

Reboot on TLEDs (LED T8s)

By Stan Walerczyk Several times in the past I have stated that highest lumen fluorescent T8s, extra long life T8s, LED lightbars and LED troffer kits are better than TLEDs,…

Easy To Do Business With… What Does It Mean Today?

By Chris Brown My previous column dealt with Amazon Business and Disintermediation as aspects of Illumigeddon. My simple suggestion for distribution response to both is to find ways to stay…

Disintermediation and Amazon Business – Two Reasons F [...]

By Chris Brown, CEO Wiedenbach-Brown @illumigeddon Solid State Lighting brings both threats and opportunities to electrical distribution. While not responsible for disintermediation, SSL may accelerate it. We know about LED…

Illumigeddon and the New Age of Lighting Distribution

By Chris Brown Several years ago, I started a project to ‘connect the dots’ of the lighting industry… all the new technology, new manufacturers, new business models, new competition and…

LED Myths, Part II

By Stan Walerczyk Hopefully you already understand some very important facts about LEDs and LED products, but there are several myths that some distributors and contractors take as truth, when…

LED Myths, Part I

By Stan Walerczyk Hopefully you already understand some very important facts about LEDs and LED products, but there are several myths that some distributors and contractors take as truth, when…

Combating Diminishing Returns

By Stan Walerczyk As a follow up to this article, we will discuss new information on soft savings to help end-customers approve lighting retrofit projects, even if the hard savings,…

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