Our exclusive stories with industry experts

Get A Grip On Lighting: Looking Back At lightED

Sales Synopsis: How Much Product Knowledge Do You Need?

Get A Grip On Lighting: CFL to LED is Not Ready for Prime Time

The Darkness News Update 6/20/2024

LIGHTFAIR 2018 Do’s and Don’ts


lightED catches up with a couple of experienced expo attendees to get their take on what distributors should expect at this year’s show.

How’s Your Lighting? Your Future Might Depend On It


Do you know what the "real" customer wants in lighting?

Speak to Your People: A Better Approach to Community Lighting


How distributors can engage manufacturers and communities to help municipalities avoid backlash on their community lighting projects.

Changes at the Top: Where Do Distributors Stand?


As their suppliers continue to innovative, merge, and race to outdo one another, lighting distributors are often left to their own devices to figure out new strategies and compete effectively…

“Get A Grip On Lighting” Podcast: Blitz Episode

In this second exclusive podcast for lightED, Greg and Michael argue rapid-fire style on lighting topics that were brought up at the NAILD Annual Conference.

Truth in Advertising: The End of the Lighting Facts Program


A decade-old program that helped everyone in lighting navigate the “Wild West” of LEDs is ending, and the question for distributors and manufacturers alike is this: What will we lose?

Viking’s Successful One-Two Punch


Viking Electric combines a lighting design specialist with a controls specialist to deliver a winning combination.

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